This is the official Academic Crest of all Element Rescue, LLC affiliated advanced higher learning institutions. It may resemble or remind you of a prestigious academic crest like Harvard's..... and it should. Mainly because our emblem is also a crest and it has a similar color...In contrast ,we aren’t whining, baby, rich kids, (this excludes Dave Callaway...and his wife...and one other person but I can’t recall their name) who get spoon fed irrelevant crap that will allow you to make a six figure salary. We also happen to not be accredited as any type of university. On top of that, we really aren’t (technically) a higher learning institution, nor do we (technically) have any affiliates. Not to worry, we do have a PhD program of instruction in Bad Ass Rescue. As a side note, if you happen to be well-versed in Bad Ass rescue, you should ask yourself, "Do I really need to strive for bad ass status in anything else?"...(The answer...no). And as a final, very important note...We DO drink Guinness beer, and HAVE partaken in the consumption of Irish Car bombs within a 3 mile radius of Harvard, and since Guinness is “wicked” popular in Boston ("Baaahstahnn") and the surrounding areas...(including freakin’ Cambridge), we believe that participating in these activities in such close proximity to educational institutions of such high caliber, qualifies us as having a substantial (yet unoffical) connection or affiliation with the aforementioned institution. (at least that's what we've been told)...(but by a very reliable source)...(actually, that's what we heard from a friend, of a friend, whose brother may (or may not) work at NASA, which would make him really credible in my opinion). Also, Harvard’s Crest has Latin writing (lame), and ours has halligans (totally awesome)...enough said.