How We Spend Our Time
(We'll give you a Hint...
It all starts with a Balanced Breakfast)

Wordy wordy word words
"Do we have enough rope to rappel that?"

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-Rage Against the Machine
Element Rescue
This site was created using liveSite which manages all the back-end functionality and workflow for the site. liveSite can be "skinned" with any front-end design or template you desire, so we selected the Foundry HTML Template as the basis for the front-end design we created for this site. Foundry is a solid front-end design and our conversion of it into a liveSite theme is provided as a great resource for you as you decide how you want to design your own liveSite front-end.
IMPORTANT: The Foundry Template is not free, so if you decide to use it as a basis for your own liveSite, you will need to purchase a license from Envato Market.
Camelback Web Architects
simply innovative.