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Mar 10

Episode VII: Operation Savage Land Pirate: Hacking Prolonged Field Care

The Element Rescue Crew (Ryan, JJ, and Sean) with special guest Dennis Jarema, US Army Special Forces 18-D, Schoolhouse Instructor, and PFC Podcast Supreme Ruler…
In this episode the guys breakdown PFC principles, discuss the framework, permeate these into civilian application - (disaster response, Mountain/Canyon Rescue, & REMS)- including a basic overview of what the future holds for civilian application…wait for it….IC / AEC -International Committee for Austere Emergency Care - A few of the OG PFC guys put together a PFC-centric pipe-hitting committee - linked with C-TECC and are rolling out civilian guidelines of awesomeness…this will need to be a separate podcast…
BUT, this episode also includes, why Dennis is the Jay-Z (Hov) of PFC, why the foley catheter curse of Justin continues to rear it’s unwelcomed head, planning for the prolonged casualty situation, operational gaps / platonic folds of protracted evacuation, SOM-C, wound care with water that fish have sex in, Ragged Edge & Dark Woods, why not to do math in public, how to speak latin, Winchestering medical supplies, and Ryan applying a “woke” philosophy to planning - the importance of 1) being planning fluid, 2) outcome - nonspecific, 3) non-binary operations, which will then facilitate your missions to be hash-tagged and followed on social media by other “woke” operators… who don’t catheter shame!

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